Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's Up Dummies!?!?

What's up dummies!?!?! Inspired by my good friend Albert Bot and the rainy weather I decied to give this interweb business a shot.

Starting with Labor Day 2009 in Hillman, MI.

-Obligatory shot of my boat, "Denise". I have a million of these photos but she just looks so dandy geared up in the sunlight that I can't resist one more.

-Treasure from the past few trips. We spend a lot of time picking up junk from the bottom of the lake. The goal is to clean up and hopefully find something good...as seen at left. Obi-wan had nothing to do with it...

-Shadow fun. "Can you photograph shadows??"..."Duh....of course, you can..."

-Belle's Oberon. The label says something like "...with the color and scent of a summer afternoon...". I agree. Do yourself a favor and drink some.

- Mystery mushroom. I dare you to eat it...

-Seagulls on swim platform.

-Emily. My wife and inspiration for many things...like this photo...she thought this partial face next to the cabin would look good...I agree.

-S is for snake...dead snake...

-Crayfish in a can. About 1/3 cans we pull out of the lake has some sort of "passenger" inside. This guy was about 4" long and not too happy about losing his home. In situations like this I wonder if it is better for the crasyfish to keep his home or for the trash to be out of the lake...hmmm...

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