Monday, September 14, 2009

Exterior Trim Project Completed

Well, my 6 week vacation is winding down and last week I finished painting/replacing all the rotten exterior wood trim around my house. It only took about a year of pulling nails, cutting, scraping, cleaning, painting, fighting with bees, cursing, and beard growing to get it done. It looks much better now.

- The last trim replaced was the second story fascia on the west side. It was the most difficult to access as evidenced by my dual ladder set up.
- Because of the slope of the roof I had to make these ladder holders so I could do my job. I was pretty proud of my Yankee ingenuity (or Polish engineering, if you will).

- View of the neighboring rooftops. I had the urge to go running across them like they did in Mary Poppins...but, I would definitely fall and get hurt bad...not a good idea.
- View across the street from my house. This is not too exciting but I already uploaded the photo...sorry for wasting your time.
- Our house is crawling with spiders on the outside. This is the biggest one I've seen (abdomen was ~ 1/2" in diameter). From what I can tell it's an Araneus Marmoreus or Marbled Orb Weaver.
-Hair Clog. This has nothing to do with my exterior trim project, it's disgusting, and Emily asked me not to post it. But, part of being a married man means you have to deal with these from time to time. So, suck it up and be a man!!

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