Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Is Here

And I've been busy. Fall for me means boats to put away for the winter, docks and lifts to take out of frigid waters, leaves to rake, and doughnuts to eat. The last boat was tucked in next to my house tonight so I finally have time to post a few photos.

Blazing maple. This tree had been red for a long time. I would pass it every day and contemplate stopping to take a photo. I finally did on my way to the launch to pick up the boat. It's a fine specimen exhibiting near perfect symmetry and the brilliant red hue of it's foliage as the chlorophyll fades away. It's bare now...and rather sad looking.

Ford Lake in the fall looks like this. No algae, no other boats, no one else dumb enough to wakeboard on 50 degree days.
Bye bye. Emily making the final trip of the year across the lake. I love the way this boat looks in the water...especially with a fine, sophisticated lady behind the wheel... she's a lady, woh woh woh, she's a lady...

It's all over. T-minus 5 months till April...

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