Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kitchen (#7)

Read like Astronaut Jones.




Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kitchen (#6)

Just when you think you're almost done, you realize the floor had been cut out around the old cabinets and there are two unsightly holes where sub floor would be visible. Nice. Fortunately the laminate floor is really easy to take up and put back down...and I had an extra box of planks in the garage. Endeavor to persevere.

Floor Up and everything moved. Let the expletives fly.
An hour later everything was back together and the doors were on the cabinets and the microwave was installed. See, I told you laminate floor is really easy to take up and put back down.

Microwave. Boo-Ya!!

Refrigerator side with doors installed.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kitchen (#5)

Saturday's progress. Old sink base cabinets and dishwasher out, new wall cabinets installed. Albot happened to be in town and came over later in the evening to help me celebrate the Chinese new year. Sunday's progress was excruciatingly slow...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Old Kitchen

FYI, this is what the kitchen used to look like 2 years ago when we moved in.

Kitchen (2,3 & 4)

OK. Made a lot of good progress since the last post. I ran wire for fancy kitchen gizmos, ordered hardware, and started the cabinet install (and in between, ran 10 Ga wire from the basement to the garage for a 220V welder plug...but, I digress...). Running the wire for the under cabinet lights and setting the cabinets in place have been the most arduous tasks to date. I've been following a steady regiment of beer, whiskey, beer, sleep to keep my mind limber.

Wired. I know it doesn't look impressive. Trust me, it is.
Install started. This is from Thursday night. I got the big pantry cabinet set and the over fridge cabinet. I had to compromise a bit on plumb/level since my kitchen walls are neither plumb nor level...discuss...

Mess. The dining room is a mess...that's about all I have to say about that.

Saturday. About halfway done. So far, so good.