Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Vacation in SC

We took a 10 day holiday road trip down south to visit family, rock & roll all night, and party every day (part of every day??). Here are some highlights of the trip.

Nothing says Christmas vacation like a moose mug full of whiskey. One of my favorite gifts this year courtesy of brotha' Joe.

Moose mug full of whiskey leads to moose mug on head. Not the wave of the future, but good nonetheless.
My favorite subject with her fancy new hat. Ooooohhhh, look how dark and mysterious she looks...
We got to spend a lot of quality time with our darling niece, Riley...Awwww...isn't she soooo cute...
New year's eve party at a hotel in Greenville. Open bar and breakfast buffet at 1 A.M. I wore my tuxedo T-shirt because I wanted to be formal, but I was definitely there to know.
FYI the beard is long gone.

Happy new year everybody.

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