Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kitchen (1 of Many)

The final room to be remodeled. If you've been to our house, you know the kitchen leaves a few things to be desired (cabinet space, lighting, style...I digress...). For the almost two years we've lived here, we have been planning how to improve. Two weeks ago we started what can only be an exhausting and frustrating challenge. Hopefully the results will be worth the effort.

The starting point. It's not too terrible, but the photo doesn't show all the details that drive me crazy.

Today. Old cabinets are down and now in my garage. Any cracks or holes in the walls have been repaired. The walls have been painted to match the living room (family room??)...every wall and ceiling in the house has now been repainted. Today I'll start running wire for the under cabinet lights and outlets for the microwave and radio...good times.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January Snowboarding

We took a trip up to Hillman last weekend for some snowboarding and relaxation. The weather was warm (relatively speaking) and sunny, the lake was frozen (maybe the beer too), and the Jaque's breakfast was a gastronomic delight as per usual. There are no photos of said snowboarding, so you'll have to take my word for the fact that I shredded my face off and Emily got much better. Below are some non-snowboarding photos.

Carnivorous squirrel. Who knew?? A hawk nailed his noggin on our clean windows and dropped dead on the deck. In the mornings this black squirrel would be slurping the fleshy bits off the hawk's feathers. Again, who knew??
Foam dome. All the beer in the basement fridge would foam over like this when opened (much to my surprise the first couple times). I'm guessing the beer molecules got stir crazy from being cooped up too long and sprang forth at the first sign of daylight. I think this beer needs to drink a beer...
Sunday I took a walk around the lake, on the lake. This is one of my favorite places on the lake. It just has a really good vibe too it and was lit up beautifully that day. You can see that a lot of the snow has melted because of the warm temps, but the ice on the lake was still plenty thick.
My favorite subject adding a splash of color to an otherwise colorless landscape...something she truly excels at.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Vacation in SC

We took a 10 day holiday road trip down south to visit family, rock & roll all night, and party every day (part of every day??). Here are some highlights of the trip.

Nothing says Christmas vacation like a moose mug full of whiskey. One of my favorite gifts this year courtesy of brotha' Joe.

Moose mug full of whiskey leads to moose mug on head. Not the wave of the future, but good nonetheless.
My favorite subject with her fancy new hat. Ooooohhhh, look how dark and mysterious she looks...
We got to spend a lot of quality time with our darling niece, Riley...Awwww...isn't she soooo cute...
New year's eve party at a hotel in Greenville. Open bar and breakfast buffet at 1 A.M. I wore my tuxedo T-shirt because I wanted to be formal, but I was definitely there to know.
FYI the beard is long gone.

Happy new year everybody.