Saturday, March 20, 2010


Last week's weather was nice...really nice. I spent every day after work preparing the boat for spring riding. Job #1 was buffing away chalky oxidation to reveal the lustre of this classic beauty. I like the way it turned out.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ode to the Microwave

Invented by accident in 1946 by self taught engineer Dr. Percy Spencer of the Raytheon Corporation, the "RadarRange" was initially 6 feet tall, 750lbs, and cost around $5000. The first counter top model arrived in 1965 at a cost of under $500. By 1975, sales of microwave ovens surpassed that of gas ranges and shortly became more common than household dishwashers. 10 years later, radarrange technology arrived at the Augustyn household and lunchtime would never be the same. The 1985 GE space maker model you see below is the first microwave my parents ever bought and it has followed me everywhere I have lived since. 25 years of outstanding service and still works as well as it did when new. Bravo. Retired as a result of my recent kitchen renovation, this little unit arrived at it's final resting place in hillman last weekend. As a reward for 25 years of service, it shall serve the rest of it's days heating sandwiches and popcorn for generations to come.

Melted ham and cheese
Made well for twenty five years
Retire up north

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kitchen (#8)

Basically done. There are a few little things to do still, but kitchen blogging will end with #8. Caulked all the non-grouted tile joints, outlet covers, shelves, trim, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm taking a break now.

