Friday, December 18, 2009

Old Photos

A Couple old photos to warm you up on a cold late fall (yes, not winter quite yet) day.

Smokey (Mookie) : This guy loved Long Lake.
Me contemplating my future.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cookies

We (Emily mostly) spent some time this afternoon baking and decorating sugar cookies. There were a few casualties (headless snowmen, one armed Santas, etc.) that ended up in my stomach...mmmm, delicious casualties...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blinds Installed

If it weren't for blinds, it would be curtains for us all.
- Larry Duane Moran

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Yellow

It's been almost a month from the last post to this one and I have been working on this room almost every day.
I made a huge dusty mess that blanketed most of the house in a fine white powder, vacuum, repeat, primer.
Next, I spent about 12 hours trimming by hand along the ceiling and doors and windows. It is excruciatingly tedious but the results are worth it. I'm really only trying to impress my mom and sister, who inspire me to such masochistic endeavors. I hope you guys like it.
3 coats of paint, new out lets, new light, new outlet covers, new blinds, new (and repainted trim), filling in nail holes, blah, blah, blah. Still not completely done...but almost.

This is me trying to figure out what to do with the blinds. One of three is too long so I have to take it back to get 1/8" trimmed off.

Mostly done. The yellow looks good, no??

Square light and improved view. It looks better in person so you'll all have to come and check it out sometime.

Turkey Time

We traveled to Marysville last weekend for good ol' Thanksgiving. A few days eating a lot with the family and remembering how lucky we all are. I ate a ton, played with my nephew, dominated on rock band and laughed incredibly hard at my uncles tales of Bub's Daddy gum and fumbled chicken wings.

The spread...maybe 25% of it...there isn't a lens wide enough to capture the entire tempting schmere. Classic American cooking. I made the mashed potatoes and Emily made the mac & chee. Mom made most of everything else...and a lot more...well played!!
My plate. I try to eat a bit of everything. It takes me about and hour and I am in pain afterwards. As I lay on my left side and digest I think about how lucky I am to be able to be so full.